Bedside Smoke Detector Options 

Recent research indicates that traditional signals emitted by commercially available smoke detectors are only about 50% effective in alerting sleeping adults with hearing loss. The most effective signal is a 520 Hz square wave at bedside in conjunction with a vibrotactile stimulus in the form of a bedside shaker positioned at pillow level. In the event there is limited access to such a product, positioning a bedside system that works with current smoke detectors capable of generating a loud alarm and activating a bed shaker a better option than relying on residential smoke detector alarms alone.  

520 Hz Square Wave & Bed Shaker Combination Solutions

The following products are bedside alarm clocks that are also designed to work with residential smoke detectors already installed in the home. The systems are equipped with a special sensor capable of detecting the unique alarm pattern designated for and emitted by residential smoke detectors known as the Temporal or T3 pattern. When the system recognized the T3 pattern, it generates a loud 520 Hz alarm at bedside while simultaneously activating the bed shaker:


Lifetone HLAC151 Bedside Fire & Alarm Clock with Bed Shaker


Central Alert CA-360 with optional CA-AX signaler 

Auditory Alarm & Bed Shaker Combination Solution

The following product is also a bedside alarm clock designed to work with residential smoke detectors already installed in the home. When the system recognized the T3 pattern, it generates a loud auditory alarm although not specifically a 520 Hz square wave while simultaneously activating the bed shaker:


HomeAware HA360MK and the smoke/carbon monoxide signaler